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    [1] GB/T 6379(所有部分) 测量方法与结果的准确度
    [2] ISO/TR 13387-3:1999 Fire safety engineering——Part 3:Assessment and verification of mathematical fire models
    [3] ISO 13943:2008 Fire safety——Vocabulary
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    [14] Heskestad,G.and Delichatsios,M.A.,The Initial Convective Flow in Fire,17th International Symposium on Combustion.Combustion Institute,Pittsburgh (1978).
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    [19] Evans,D.D.and Stroup,D.W.,"Methods to Calculate the Response Time of Heat and Smoke Detectors Installed below Large Unobstructed Ceilings,"Fire Tech.,22,54 (1986).
    [20] Alpert,R.L.,"Convective Heat Transfer in the Impingement Region of a Buoyant Plume,"ASME Jl.of Heat Transfer,Vol.109,p.120,(1987).
    [21] Heskestad,G.and Delichatsios,M.A.,"Update:The Initial Convective Flow in Fire,"Short Communication,Fire Safety Jl,Vol 15,p.471,(1989).
    [22] Motevalli,V.and Marks,C.H.,"Characterizing the Unconfined Ceiling Jet under Steady-State Conditions:A Reassessment"Fire Safety Science,Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium,G.Cox and B.Langford,eds.,Elsevier Applied Science,New York,301 (1991).
    [23] Kokkala,M.A.,"Experimental Study of Heat Transfer to Ceiling from an Impinging Diffusion Flame,"Fire Safety Science-Proceedings of the Third International Symposium,G.Cox and B.Langford,eds.,Elsevier Applied Science,New York,261,(1991).
    [24] Atkinson,G.T.and Drysdale,D.D.,"Convective Heat Transfer from Fire Gases,"Fire Safety Jl,Vol.19,p.217,(1992).
    [25] Heskestad,G.and Hamada,T.,"Ceiling Jets of Strong Fire Plumes,"F.Safety J.,21,69,(1993).
    [26] Hasemi,Y.,Yokobayashi,S.,Wakamatsu,T.and Ptchelintsev,A.V.,"Fire Safety of Building Components Exposed to a Localised Fire-Scope and Experiments on Ceiling/Beam System Exposed to a Localised Fire,"ASIAFLAM’95,First International Conference,Interscience Communications Ltd.,London,pp.351-361,(1995).
    [27] Tewarson,A.,"Generation of Heat and Chemical Compounds in Fires,"The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering,3rd Edition,P.J.DiNenno,Editor,National Fire Protection Association,Quincy,MA,USA,pp.3-82 to 3-161,(2002).
    [28] Babrauskas,V.,"Heat Release Rates",The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering,3rdEdition,P.J.DiNenno,Editor,National Fire Protection Association,Quincy,MA,USA,pp.3-1 to 3-37,(2002).
    [29] Heskestad,G,"Fire Plumes,Flame Height and Air Entrainment,"The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering,3rd Edition,P.J.DiNenno,Editor,National Fire Protection Association,Quincy,MA,USA,pp.2-1 to 2-17,(2002).
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