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    [1] GB/T31540.1-2015 消防安全工程指南 第1部分:性能化在设计中的应用
    [2]GB/T31540.2-2015 消防安全工程指南 第2部分:火灾发生、发展及烟气的生成
    [3]GB/T31540.4-2015 消防安全工程指南 第4部分:探测、启动和灭火
    [4]GB/T31593.3-2015 消防安全工程 第3部分:火灾风险评估指南
    [5]GB/T31593.4-2015 消防安全工程 第4部分:设定火灾场景和设定火灾的选择
    [6]GB/T31593.5-2015 消防安全工程 第5部分:火羽流的计算要求
    [7]GB/T31593.6-2015 消防安全工程 第6部分:烟气层的计算要求
    [8]GB/T31593.7-2015 消防安全工程 第7部分:顶棚射流的计算要求
    [9]GB/T31593.8-2015 消防安全工程 第8部分:开口气流的计算要求
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    [23] PURSER,D.A., Behaviour and travel interactions in emergency situations and data for engineering design, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Greenwich,2003, Proceedings, pp 355-370,E. Galea Ed. University of Greenwich, London, UK.
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    [36] BS 5588-11, Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings-Part 11: Code of practice for shops, offices, industrial, storage and other similar buildings.
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    [46] PURSER,D.A., Human behaviour in fire and other emergencies, BRE Report 80893,2001.
    [47] PROULX,G., LATOUR,J., AND MACLAURIN,J., Housing Evacuation of Mixed Abilities Occupants, Internal Report No.661, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, ON, July 1994.
    [48] SHIELDS,T.J., AND BOYCE,K.,A Study of Evacuation Time from Large Retail Stores, Fire Safety Journal,35,25-49,2000.
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    [51] PURSER,D.A., Human tenability, Proceedings of Technical basis for performance-based fire regulations, Engineering Foundation Conference, San Diego, CA, USA,,7-11 January,2001.
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    [54] EN 81-72, Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts-Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts-Part 72: Firefighters lifts.
    [55] EN 81-73, Safety rules for the construction and installation. of lifts-Particular applications for passenger and goods passenger lifts-Part 73: Behaviour of lifts in the event of fire.
    [56] BS 5588-12:2004 Fire precautions in the design, construction and use of buildings-Part 12: Managing fire safety.

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消防安全工程 第9部分:人员疏散评估指南 GB/T31593.9-2015
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