交通建筑电气设计规范 JGJ243-2011
2.2 代 号
ACTS——先进通信技术卫星 advanced communication technology satellite
ATR——自动读码站 automatic reading frame station
BAS——建筑设备监控系统 building automation system
BHS——行李处理系统 baggage handling system
BECS——行李设备控制系统 baggage equipment control system
BMS——建筑设备管理系统 building management system
DCLS——直接通信链接系统 direct communication link System
EMS——电能管理系统 electric management system
FAS——火灾自动报警系统 fire alarm system
GPS——全球卫星定位系统 global positioning system
IRIG-B——靶场仪器组B型格式 inter-range instrumenta-tion group-b
NTP ——网络时钟协议 network time protocol
ODBC——开放式数据库互接 open datebase connectivity
PRC——伪距校正 pseudo range correction
SAS——安全防范系统 security automation system
SIC——安全检查系统 security inspection system
TTS——文本转换语音技术 text to speech
1PPS——每秒1个脉冲 1 pulse per second
ATR——自动读码站 automatic reading frame station
BAS——建筑设备监控系统 building automation system
BHS——行李处理系统 baggage handling system
BECS——行李设备控制系统 baggage equipment control system
BMS——建筑设备管理系统 building management system
DCLS——直接通信链接系统 direct communication link System
EMS——电能管理系统 electric management system
FAS——火灾自动报警系统 fire alarm system
GPS——全球卫星定位系统 global positioning system
IRIG-B——靶场仪器组B型格式 inter-range instrumenta-tion group-b
NTP ——网络时钟协议 network time protocol
ODBC——开放式数据库互接 open datebase connectivity
PRC——伪距校正 pseudo range correction
SAS——安全防范系统 security automation system
SIC——安全检查系统 security inspection system
TTS——文本转换语音技术 text to speech
1PPS——每秒1个脉冲 1 pulse per second