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    [1] ISO 1716,Reaction to fire tests for building products—Determination of the heat of combustion
    [2] ISO/TR 3814:1989,Tests for measuring“reaction-to-fire”of building materials—Their development and application
    [3] ISO/TS 5658-1,Reaction to fire tests—Spread of flame—Part 1:Guidance on flame spread
    [4] ISO 5658-2:2006,Reaction to fire tests—Spread of flame—Part 2:Lateral spread on building products in vertical configuration
    [5] ISO 9705:1993,Fire tests—Full-scale room test for surface products
    [6] ISO/TS 14934-1,Fire tests—Calibration and use of radiometers and heat flux meters—Part 1:General principlcs
    [7] ISO 14934-2,Fire tests—Calibration and use of heat flux meters—Part 2:Primary calibration methods
    [8] ISO 14934-3:2006,Fire tests—Calibration and use of heat flux meters—Part 3:Secondary calibration method
    [9] IMO Resolution A.753(18),International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures,1998 Edition,Guidelines for the application of plastic pipes on ships
    [10] IMO Resolution A.653(16),International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures,1998 Edition
    [11] BS 6809:1987,Method for calibration of radiometers for use in fire testing
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火焰在垂直表面的横向蔓延试验方法 GB/T28752-2012
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