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    [1] GB/Т 25207—2010  火灾试验  表面制品的实体房间火试验方法
    [2] GB/Т 31593.4—2015  消防安全工程指南  第4部分:探测、启动和灭火
    [3] GB/T 31593.9—2015  消防安全工程  第9部分:人员疏散评估指南
    [4] BabrauskasV,Burning Rates,The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering 2nd
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    [5] Walton WD,Thomas,PH,Estimating Temperatures in Compartments,The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering 2nd edition,Society of Fire Protection Engineers,Boston,MA USA 1995,Section 3,Chapter 3-6.
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    [9] NFPA 204,Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting,National Fire Protection Assn,2002.
    [10] OHLEMILLER,T.J.,Smouldering Combustion,The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering 3rd edition,National Fire Protection Assn,2002,Section 2,Chapter 9.
    [11] Babrauskas V, Lawson JR, Walton WD, Twilley WH, "Upholstered Furniture Heat Release Rates Measured with a Furniture Calorimeter”, NBSIR 82-2604,National Institute of Standards and Technology,Washington 1982.
    [12] JANSSENS,M.,Calorimetry,The SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering 3rd edi­tion,National Fire Protection Assn,2002,Section 3,Chapter 2.
    [13] CBUF,Fire safety of upholstered furniture—The final report on the CBUF research pro- gramme ed.Sundstrom,B.,Interscience Communications Ltd,London 1996.
    [14] WICKSTROM,U.,Application of the Standard Fire Curve for Expressing Natural Fires for Design Purposes,Fire Safety:Science and Engineering,ASTM STP 882 or SP-RAPP 1986: 19.EN 1991-l-2:2002,EuroCode 1.Actions on structures.General Actions.Actions on structures exposed to fires,Annex A.
    [15] EN 1991-1-2 :2002, EuroCode 1. Actions on structures.General Actions.Actions on structures exposed to fires,Annex A.
    [16] EN 1991-1-2:2002,EuroCode 1. Actions on structures.General Actions.Actions on structures exposed to fires, Annex B.
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消防安全工程 第4部分:设定火灾场景和设定火灾的选择 GB/T31593.4-2015
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