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    [1] GB/T 12474-2008 空气中可燃气体爆炸极限测定方法
    [2] GB/T 16425 粉尘云爆炸下限浓度测定方法
    [3] GB/T 16426 粉尘云最大爆炸压力和最大压力上升速率测定方法
    [4] 赵衡阳.气体和粉尘爆炸原理.北京:北京理工大学出版社,1996
    [5] EN 1839-2003 Determination of explosion limits of gases und vapours
    [6] EN ISO 4126-6 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure-Part 6:Applica-tion,selection and installation of bursting disc safety devices(ISO 4126-6:2003)
    [7] EN 50104 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of oxygen-Performance requirements and test methods
    [8] EN 14034-4 Determination of explosion characteristics of dust clouds-Part 4:Determination of the limiting oxygen concentration LOC of dust clouds
    [9] EN 14756:2006 Determination of the limiting oxygen concentration(LOC)for gases and vapours
    [10] API Standard, API 2000-1992 American Petroleum Institute, Washington D.C.
    [11] NFPA 68 Standard on Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting
    [12] NFPA 69 Standard on Explosion Prevention
    [13] VDI 2263 Blatt 2 Staubbrde und Staubexplosionen-Gefahren, Beurteilung, Schutzma ah-men; Inertisierung(Dust Fires and Explosions-Hazards, Assessment, Protective Measures)
    [14] ASTM E2931 Standard Test Method for Limiting Oxygen(Oxidant) Concentration of Combustible Dust Clouds
    [15] ASTM E2079 Standard Test Method for Limiting Oxygen(Oxidant) Concentration for Gases and Vapors
    [16] CEN/TR 15281-2006 Guidance on Inerting for the Prevention of Explosions
    [17] CLC/TR 50404-2003 Electrostatics-Code of practice for the avoidance of hazards due to static electricity.
    [18] Zabetakis,M.G. Flammability Characteristics of Combustible Gases and Vapors,U.S.Bureau of Mines Bulletin,1965,627
    [19] Wiemann,W. Einfluss der Temperatur auf Explosionskenngren und Sauerstoffgrenz-konzentrationen, VDI-Bericht 494,1984,89-97, VDI-Verlag GmbH, Disseldorf
    [20] Bodurtha,F.T. Industrial Explosion Prevention and Protection, McGraw-Hill Book Com-pany,1980, ISBN 0-07-006359-1

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惰化防爆指南 GB/T37241-2018
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