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附录B 英文索引


A glass fiber 8.1.8

acid/base ratio 9.1.24

additives of cement 3.1.29

adit 2.4.3

adit and winze enineering 2.4.2

aerated blending silo 3.2.9

aerating unit under the silo 3.2.30

ageing 5.1.16

agglomerated marble 7.1.6

agglomerated quartz 7.1.7

agglomerated stone 7.1.5

air blaster 3.2.16

air distribution 2.5.10

air lift 3.2.11

air quenching cooler boiler 3.2.27

air quenching cooler 3.2.25

air separator 3.2.6

air shaft 2.4.7

airflow control 8.1.30

aluminum silicate wool 9.1.6

AR glass fiber 8.1.11

arch 4.2.14

architectural pottery 5.1.1

arm polisher 7.2.16

assembled roving,multi-end roving 8.1.47

auriculate bath 4.2.31

autoclave expansion test 3.1.35

autoclaved brick 6.1.12

autoclaved aerated concrete blocks(AAC) 6.1.30

autoclaved aerated concrete slab 6.1.45

autoclaved block 6.1.28

automatic hydraulic press 5.2.6

auxiliary brick 6.1.17


basalt fiber 8.1.15

base cloth for copper clad laminate 8.1.55

batch 8.1.18

batch-to-melt conversion rate 8.1.20

belt polisher 7.2.15

bench face driving method 2.2.21

bench mining 7.2.8

binder 9.1.23

biscuit firing 5.1.22

blasting danger limit 2.5.1

blasting protection 2.3.4

block 6.1.22

boron-free and fluorine-free glass fiber 8.1.5

box-type regenerator 4.2.36

brace floor of furnace flue 4.2.38

breast wall 4.2.22

brick 6.1.3

bridge saw 7.2.14

bridge wall 4.2.26

building stone 7.1.2

bulk cement 3.1.8

bulk loading spout 3.2.33

bulk wool 9.1.7

bullet-resistant glass 4.1.8

burner 3.2.23

bushing forehearth 8.2.6


C glass fiber 8.1.7

cabled yarn 8.1.44

cake conditioning 8.1.51

cake drying oven 8.2.14

calcite marble 7.1.13

casting machine 5.2.8

caving mining method 2.2.14

CCL cloth 8.1.55

cement 3.1.6

cement for nuclear power engineering 3.1.24

cement mill 3.2.28

cement mortar 3.1.37

cement silo 3.2.29

cement waste heat power generation 3.1.46

ceramic body 5.1.8

ceramic color 5.1.5

ceramic glaze 5.1.6

ceramic sanitary ware 5.1.2

ceramic tile 5.1.3

chain saw arm 7.2.11

chamber 2.4.5

chamber blasting 2.3.5

checker work 4.2.37

chemical coating process 4.1.27

chemical tempering process 4.1.29

chequered wall 4.2.24

china sanitary ware 5.1.2

chopped strand mat 8.1.61

chopped strand mat machine 8.2.18

chopped strands 8.1.49

chute 2.4.6

circular saw 7.2.10

clinker 3.1.2

closed-circuit grinding 3.1.54

coated glass 4.1.11

cold end 4.2.40

cold repair 4.1.31

complex stone veneer 7.1.19

composite portland cement 3.1.14

composition in cement kiln 3.1.47

compound slab of extremely thin stone 7.1.20

comprehensive utilization of ore resources 2.1.3

concrete roof tile 6.1.21

concrete tile 6.1.20

conditioning tower 3.2.18

continuous filament mat 8.1.62

continuous filament mat machine 8.2.19

continuous glass fiber 8.1.2

continuous strand mat 8.1.62

continuous strand mat machine 8.2.19

cooling end 4.2.41

counter flow mixer 6.2.10

crimping 9.1.18

crimping machine 9.2.8

cross cutter 9.2.11

crown 4.2.14

crucible furnace 5.2.21

cupola 9.2.1

curing 3.1.42

curing 9.1.19

curing equipment 6.2.15

curing oven 9.2.9

cutting and assembling machine group 4.2.49

cutting machine 6.2.3

cyclical footage 2.2.22

cyclone 3.2.15


D glass fiber 8.1.12

decorative stone 7.1.3

decrepitation method 7.2.5

deep-hole blasting 2.3.7

development of quarry 2.2.7

diamond frame saw 7.2.13

diamond wire saw 7.2.9

direct chopper 8.2.11

direct chopping machine 8.2.11

direct roving 8.1.48

direct-melt process 8.1.22

distributor channel 8.2.5

dog hole 4.2.25

dog metal 4.2.47

dolomite marble 7.1.14

double level geometry 8.1.32

drawing chamber 4.2.39

dryer 5.2.12

dry-laid veil machine 9.2.16

dust binding oil 9.1.22


E glass fiber 8.1.4

edge roller 4.2.46

edge runner 6.2.1

electric boosting 8.1.24

electric melting furnace 4.2.7

electric melting of glass 8.1.23

electronic yarn 8.1.45

elevator kiln 5.2.18

exhaust-heat boiler 4.2.4

extraction 2.2.9

extruder 5.2.7


facing brick 6.1.15

facing unit 9.2.14

ferroaluminate cement 3.1.19

fettling 5.1.17

fettling machine 5.2.9

fiber calcium silicate board 6.1.44

fiber collection 9.1.16

fiber collection equipment 9.2.5

fiberglass 8.1.1

fiberglass yarn 8.1.39

fiberizability of mineral melt 9.1.20

fiberizing,fiber forming 8.1.27

filament 8.1.28

filament breakage rate 8.1.34

filling mining method 2.2.15

filter cloth,filtration cloth 8.1.57

fine yarn 8.1.42

fired brick 6.1.4

fired common brick 6.1.6

fired facing brick 6.1.9

fired heat preservation block 6.1.27

fired hollow block 6.1.26

fired hollow brick 6.1.8

fired perforated brick 6.1.7

fired roofing tile 6.1.19

fire-resistant glass 4.1.7

firing circuit 2.3.1

flag slab 7.1.26

flame attenuation process 9.1.15

flame attenuation process line 9.2.4

flame cutting method 7.2.6

flame electric furnace 4.2.8

flat board 6.1.37

flat glass 4.1.1

float glass 4.1.2

float glass process 4.1.22

float process combined workshop 4.2.1

flow box 6.2.7

flow hole 4.2.25

flow of cement mortar 3.1.38

flue damper 4.2.30

flying arch 4.2.15

forced mixer 4.2.44

forklift 7.2.18

forming cylinder 6.2.9

frosted glass 4.1.19

full package rate 8.1.35

full-face excavating method 2.2.20

full-face mining method 2.2.17

furnace bottom 4.2.11

furnace roof 4.2.12

furnace wall 4.2.10


gang saw 7.2.12

general portland cement 3.1.9

glass cloth finishing machine 8.2.23

glass fiber yarn 8.1.39

glass fiber 8.1.1

glass microfiber 9.1.5

glass wool 9.1.4

glass-ceramics 4.1.4

glazing 5.1.18

glazing machine 5.2.10

gloat firing 5.1.23

grate cooler 3.2.25

granite 7.1.9

granulated wool 9.1.12

gravity mixer 4.2.43

green body 5.1.7

grinding aid 3.1.31

group standing mould 6.2.13

gypsum block 6.1.31

gypsum plasterboard 6.1.43

gypsum retarder 3.1.30


heat absorbing glass 4.1.17

heat cleaning 8.1.66

heat desizing 8.1.66

heat of hydration 3.1.44

heat preseryation block 6.1.25

heat preseryation brick 6.1.16

heating up 4.1.30

heat-setting oven 8.2.15

high alumina cement clinker 3.1.4

high silica glass fiber 8.1.13

high temperature fan 3.2.17

high temperature glaze 5.1.11

hollow block 6.1.24

hollow block shaper 6.2.2

hollow core wallboard 6.1.40

hollow glass block 4.1.18

hot repair 4.1.32

hot-blast heater 5.2.11

hydraulic cleaving method 7.2.4

hydraulicity 3.1.27

hydrogen station 4.2.3


ignition hood 3.2.24

inclined roadway 2.4.8

initial minery 7.1.30

insulating glass 4.1.9

intermediate glaze 5.1.10

ion exchange process 4.1.25

IR-absorbing glass 4.1.15


jack arch 4.2.27


kerbs 7.1.18

kiln shell scanner 3.2.22


laminated glass 4.1.5

land reclaiming 2.1.4

large wallboard 6.1.39

leakage board 8.2.8

lean materials 5.1.4

lehr 4.2.42

limestone 7.1.10

load bearing block 6.1.32

load bearing brick 6.1.13

low emissivity coated glass 4.1.13

low heat portland cement 3.1.16

low temperature fast firing 5.1.19

low-iron glass 4.1.16

low-melting glaze 5.1.9


M glass fiber 8.1.10

main conditioning channel 8.2.4

manual cleaving method 7.2.3

marble 7.1.8

marble-melt process 8.1.21

marine cement 3.1.25

masonry cement 3.1.23

medium-alkali glass fiber 8.1.6

melting end 4.2.9

melting furnace 4.2.5

mesh fabric 8.1.56

metal detector 3.2.2

method of carving groove in stone holes 7.2.7

method of circular saw 7.2.1

method of diamond wire saw 7.2.2

milled fibers 8.1.50

mine enclosure 2.2.4

mine recovery 2.1.5

mine safety sign 2.5.3

mine ventilation 2.5.9

mine ventilation system 2.5.12

mineral wool 9.1.1

mineral wool pipe section 9.1.10

mineral wool pipe section winder 9.2.15

mineral wool strip 9.1.11

minimum burden 2.3.12

mining boundary 2.2.1

mining condition 2.1.2

mining schedule 2.2.2

moderate heat portland cement 3.1.15

molten glass horizontal stirrer 4.2.45

molten tin division weir 4.2.28

mud pump 5.2.1

multiaxial fabric 8.1.59

multiaxial warp-knitting machine 8.2.21

multi-end roving 8.1.47

multiwheel spinner 9.2.2

multiwheel spinning process 9.1.13


natural cured brick 6.1.10

natural stone 7.1.4

neck 4.2.16

needled mat 8.1.63

needled mat machine 8.2.22

new suspension preheater kiln 3.2.14

nitrogen station 4.2.2

non load bearing block 6.1.33

Non-fired brick 6.1.5

non-load bearing brick 6.1.14


once-firing 5.1.20

open-circuit grinding 3.1.53

opening up 2.2.12

open-pit quarry 2.2.6

optical fiber 8.1.17

ordinary portland cement 3.1.10

original gloss bat slab 7.1.27

overburden stripping,overburden mining 2.2.10

oxy-fuel combustion 8.1.25


packing machine of cement 3.2.31

panel 6.1.34

partitioned regenerator 4.2.35

pat test 3.1.34

patterned glass 4.1.12

pendulum equipment 9.2.6

pendulum process 9.1.17

physical tempering glass 4.1.28

platinum alloy loss 8.1.36

plied yarn 8.1.41

pneumatic blender/transporter 8.2.1

port 4.2.17

portland blastfurnace-slag cement 3.1.11

portland cement clinker 3.1.3

portland cement for road 3.1.22

portland fly-ash cement 3.1.13

portland pozzolana cement 3.1.12

post-finish 8.1.67

pouring mixer 6.2.4

pozzolanicity 3.1.28

preheater tower 3.2.12

premix combustion 8.1.26

presplitting blasting 2.3.8

press equipment 9.2.7

press filter 5.2.2

pretreatment for industrial waste 3.1.48

primary air 3.1.50

produced slab rate of stone 7.1.32

product fabrication 8.1.38

protective rock plug 2.5.8

pulverized material 8.1.19

pusher 5.2.24


quarry 2.2.11

quarry stone 7.1.23

quarrying rate of block 7.1.31

quarrying 2.2.9

quartz glass fiber 8.1.14


radiation-proof glass fiber 8.1.16

rapid hardening portland cement 3.1.17

raw glaze 5.1.12

raw meal 3.1.1

raw meal distributor 3.2.8

raw meal homogenizing silo 3.2.10

raw mill 3.2.7

raw stone station 7.1.24

receiving conveyor 6.2.11

recuperator 8.2.7

reducing furnace 5.2.19

refuge chamber 2.5.7

refuse derived fuel(RDF) 3.1.49

regenerator 4.2.33

reinforcement 2.5.5

reversal device 4.2.29

rock wool 9.1.2

rolled glass 4.1.3

roller kiln 5.2.16

roller mill 3.2.4

roller press 3.2.3

rollgang 4.2.48

rolling process 4.1.23

roof materials 6.1.2

roof slab 6.1.35

room and pillar method 2.2.18

rotary furnace 5.2.23

rotary kiln 3.2.19

rotary process,rotational spinning process,TEL process 9.1.14

rotary spinning machine,rotary process line 9.2.3

roving 8.1.46

roving cloth 8.1.54

roving winder 8.2.17

runner 4.2.19


S glass fiber 8.1.9

safe exit 2.5.13

safe mining depth 2.5.2

sandstone 7.1.11

screw batch charger 8.2.2

screw extruder 5.2.4

sealing box 4.2.32

secondary air 3.1.51

secondary ore reserves 2.1.8

self-cleanness glass 4.1.20

serpentine marble 7.1.15

service life ofmines 2.1.6

setting machine 6.2.14

setting time 3.1.32

setts 7.1.17

sewing unit 9.2.17

shaft 2.4.9

sheet machine 6.2.5

short-hole blasting 2.3.6

shot 9.1.21

shrinkage stoping 2.2.19

shuttle kiln 5.2.15

side wall 4.2.21

side-hill surface quarry 2.2.5

sieve analysis 5.1.15

silica glass fiber 8.1.14

single-end roving 8.1.48

single level geometry 8.1.31

single yarn 8.1.40

sinking and driving engineering 2.4.1

sintering temperature 5.1.14

size applicator for filaments 8.2.9

size preparation system 8.2.24

sizing agent 8.1.37

slab kiln 5.2.17

slag powder 3.1.26

slag wool 9.1.3

slate 7.1.12

slitter 9.2.10

slope 2.4.10

slope slide 2.5.4

smooth blasting 2.3.9

sol-gel process 4.1.24

solid block 6.1.23

soundness of cement 3.1.33

special cement 3.1.7

spooling 8.1.53

spray dryer 5.2.13

square slabs 7.1.16

stacker&re-stacker 6.2.12

stacker and reclaimer 3.2.1

stacking machine 4.2.50

standard sand 3.1.36

staple glass fiber 8.1.3

static blasting 2.3.11

steam-cured block 6.1.29

steam-cured brick 6.1.11

stitched mat 8.1.64

stone 7.1.1

stone mosaic 7.1.21

stone slab 7.1.25

stone wool 9.1.2

stope mining method 2.2.16

storage tank 4.2.18

strand 8.1.29

strand winder 8.2.10

strength grade of cement 3.1.43

strength of cement mortar 3.1.39

strip panel 6.1.38

strip cutter 9.2.12

sulfate resistance portland cement 3.1.18

sulphoaluminate cement 3.1.20

sulphoaluminate cement clinker 3.1.5

supporting 2.5.6

supporting roller for kiln shell 3.2.20

surface displacement range 2.5.15

suspended shadow wall 4.2.23

suspension preheater 3.2.13

suspension preheater boiler 3.2.26


tandem collet winding 8.1.33

tank furnace 4.2.6

tank furnace 5.2.22

technical and economic evaluation of mineral resources 2.1.1

tempered glass 4.1.6

tertiary air 3.1.52

tertiary ore reserves 2.1.7

test minery 7.1.29

the original drum 8.2.13

thermal insulation panel at the inside surface of exterior wall 6.1.41

thermal insulation panel at the outside surface of

exterior wall 6.1.42

thick yarn 8.1.43

thickness saw 9.2.13

thin slab 7.1.28

three-dimensional fabric 8.1.60

tight blasting 2.3.10

tight bottom 2.3.2

tile 6.1.18

tin bath 4.2.13

tissue 8.1.65

toe burden 2.3.3

truck loading device 3.2.32

tube mill 3.2.5

tunnel kiln 5.2.14

twice firing 5.1.21

twister 8.2.16

two-stage vacuum extruder 6.2.6

tyre for kiln shell 3.2.21


unbonded wool 9.1.7

underground development 2.2.8

underground mine safety hedging system 2.5.14

underground mining 2.2.13

unidirectional fabric 8.1.58

unit melter 8.2.3

united regenetator 4.2.34

untrimmed quarry stone 7.1.22

unwinding 8.1.52

UV-absorbing glass 4.1.14


vacuum desiccator 5.2.5

vacuum filter 5.2.3

vacuum furnace 5.2.20

vacuum glass 4.1.10

vapour glaze 5.1.13

vat 6.2.8

ventilation resistance 2.5.11

vitreous silica fiber 8.1.13

vocuum coating process 4.1.26


wall materials 6.1.1

wallboard 6.1.36

waste dump area 2.1.9

waste fiber crusher 8.2.25

waste heat recovery 3.1.45

water requirement of cement mortar 3.1.40

water saw 7.2.17

water-cement ratio 3.1.41

weight case 4.1.21

wet-laid mat machine 8.2.20

wet-laid mat 8.1.65

white portland cement 3.1.21

width cutter 9.2.12

winder 8.2.10

winding tube 8.2.12

winding 8.1.53

winze 2.4.4

wool blanket 9.1.8

wool board 9.1.9

woven rovings 8.1.54

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