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附录B 英文索引


adding fertilizer 8.3.1

aerial ladders 7.1.12

amusement park 4.1.16

angle of repose of soil 6.2.8

archaeological and site park 4.1.15

arranged hidden scene 5.2.7

artificial rockery 7.1.3

attached green space 4.1.21

avenue tree 6.3.17


bare-root seedling 7.4.6

basic fertilizer 8.3.2

bian’e in garden 6.6.5

big tree transplanting 7.4.8

boat house 6.5.11

borrowed soil 7.4.3

borrowing landscape 5.2.4

botanical garden 4.1.7

branch point 7.4.18


canopy line of the plants 6.3.22

capping 7.1.13

cemetery garden 4.1.10

children park 4.1.5

choosing seedlings 7.4.5

classical garden 5.1.1

cloud wall 6.5.12

comprehensive park 4.1.2

construction document explanation 8.2.3

construction design,working drawing 6.8.3

core landscape zone,core scenic zone 3.1.7

corner rap stone 7.1.10

corner filling set 7.1.11

corresponding view 5.2.5

corridor 6.5.9

country park 4.1.24

couplet written on scroll,couplet on pillar 6.6.4

crown diameter 6.3.10

cutting back 8.3.8


design alteration 8.2.4

design development 6.8.2

diameter of trunk 7.4.17

drain opening 7.2.2

drainage design and storm water management 6.1.5

drop 6.7.6


earthwork balance 6.2.2

ease access for the disabled 6.4.9

eco-compensation 8.1.3

ecological corridor 4.2.11

ecological garden city 8.1.2

ecological restoration 4.2.13

ecological sensitive area 4.2.12

engineering negotiation;construction request form 8.2.5

engineering supervision 8.2.6

euphrates,footing 7.1.14


famous scenery,famous scenic site 3.1.1

feature pavement 6.4.7

feature wall 6.6.3

field planting 7.4.10

flower border 6.3.15

forest edge 6.3.23

foundation planting 7.4.1

fountain 6.7.4

franchise 8.1.5


garden 4.1.12

garden and park 2.0.3

garden city 8.1.1

garden structure 6.5.1

general contracting plan 8.2.2

glassless windows 6.5.17

green coverage ratio 4.2.3

green space attached to housing estate,residential green space 4.1.22

green space attached to urban road 4.1.23

green space ratio 4.2.4

green wedge 4.2.7

greenhouse 6.5.3

greenway 4.2.10

ground cover plant 7.3.5

group planting 6.3.8


hall 6.5.8

hedge 6.3.16

heeling in,temporary planting 7.4.12

historical garden,historical park 4.1.13

historical tree and famous tree 7.3.8

historical tree potential resources 7.3.9

hole gate 6.5.16


imperial garden;Royal garden 5.1.5


land preparation 7.4.2

landform design,grading design 6.2.1

landscape 3.1.3

landscape architecture 2.0.1

landscape architecture 2.0.2

landscape architecture design 6.1.2

landscape architecture management 8.2.1

landscape bridge 6.4.4

landscape construction engineering 2.0.10

landscape coverage area,green coverage area 4.2.2

landscape evaluation 3.2.3

landscape feature 3.1.4

landscape layout 6.1.1

landscape plant 7.3.1

landscape stone 7.1.5

landscaping 5.2.3

lawn 7.3.7

leak scene 5.2.9

linear park 4.1.17

linear planting 6.3.6


man-made rockery 7.1.1

masa terrace park 6.2.6

mass planting 6.3.7

matching species with the site 6.3.21

meaning of landscape 5.2.2

memorial arch 6.5.14

memorial park 4.1.14

mild-lawn 6.2.4


nannorelief 6.2.3

nappe 6.7.8

national park 2.0.9

native specie 7.3.3

natural plant community 6.3.13

nursery 4.1.19


obstacle view,view barrier 5.2.6

open forest and grassland 6.3.14

ornamental plant 7.3.2

overfall gap 7.2.1

overflow dam 7.2.3


park 2.0.8

park for the blind 4.1.11

park land per capita 4.2.5

pavilion 6.5.7

pavilion 6.5.4

pebble painting 6.4.8

penjing garden,miniature landscape 4.1.9

penjing 5.2.11

perennial flower 7.3.4

pergola,trellis 6.6.2

pest control 8.3.5

piled hill,hill making 7.1.2

place other than one’s own hometown allopatry,exsitu conservation 7.3.10

plane curve 6.4.1

plank road built along a cliff 6.4.5

plant hole and trough 7.4.14

planter 6.3.19

planting soil 7.4.4

planting density 6.3.9

planting design 6.3.1

plants survival rate 7.4.15

plants of container 7.4.7

platform 6.5.6

pre-watering planting hole 7.4.13

private garden 5.1.6

protected green buffer 4.1.20

pruning 8.3.3

public park 4.1.1


rejuvenation of old tree 8.3.4

residential park 4.1.4

resource-saving landscape 8.1.4

retaining wall 6.2.5

revetment in garden 6.7.2

roadside green space 4.1.18

rock garden 4.1.8

roof greening 6.3.3


scenic and historic areas 2.0.5

scenic and historic areas of China 3.1.8

scenic and historic areas planning 3.2.1

scenic and historic areas system 3.2.2

scenic forest land 4.1.26

scenic resource 3.1.2

scenic spot 3.1.5

scenic vista 5.2.8

scenic zone,landscape zone 3.1.6

schematic design 6.8.1

scholars’ garden 5.1.8

screen wall 6.5.13

seasonal appearance of plant 6.3.20

setting root water 7.4.11

shaping 8.3.6

signboard 6.6.6

simulated plant community 6.3.12

site investigation,site assessment 5.2.1

site planning 6.1.3

slope protection 6.7.3

slope ratio 6.2.7

small garden ornaments and site furniture 6.6.1

smart scenic and historic areas 3.2.6

social regulation planning for residents 3.2.4

sparse 8.3.7

special setting 7.1.7

specialized park 4.1.3

specimen planting,isolated planting 6.3.4

sprinkler irrigation 7.4.16

squatting side rock 7.1.9

stepping stone 6.4.3

stone arrangement,stone setting 7.1.4

stone stair 6.4.6

Suzhou gardens 5.1.9

symmetrical planting,coupled planting 6.3.5


Taihu rock 7.1.6

tap-stamp step 7.1.8

temple garden 5.1.7

tendril climber plant 7.3.6

ten-word pithy formula 7.1.16

the planting ratio of trees and shrubs 6.3.11

top end 7.1.15

touring route 3.2.5

tower 6.5.15

traditional garden 5.1.2

transplanting with soil ball 7.4.9

tree array 6.3.18


urban biodiversity 4.2.14

urban green buffer 4.2.6

urban green space 2.0.6

urban green space boundary line,urban green line 4.2.8

urban green space system 2.0.7

urban green space system planning 4.2.1

urban heat island effect 4.2.15

urban water body boundary line,urban blue line 4.2.9

urban wetland park 4.1.25


vertical design,landscape section and elevations 6.1.4

vertical curve 6.4.2

vertical greening 6.3.2

view corridor 6.1.6

visitor center 6.5.2

visitors capacity 6.1.7


water system layout in garden 6.7.1

water-fall 6.7.5

waterfront pavilion 6.5.10

world heritage 2.0.4


yi-chi-san-shan,one pool and three mountains 5.2.10

you garden;hunting garden 5.1.3

yuan garden 5.1.4


zoological garden,zoo 4.1.6

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