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2.2 代号

    ATSE 自动转换开关电器 automatic transfer switching e-quipment
    EMC 电磁兼容性 electromagnetic compatibility
    EMI 电磁干扰 electromagnetic interference
    HDTV 高清晰度电视 high definition television
    LPZ 防雷区 lightning protection zone
    PA 主赛区(比赛场地)principal area
    SELV 安全特低电压系统 safety extra-low voltage
    TA 总赛区 total area
    TSE 转换开关电器 transfer switching equipment
    TV 标准清晰度彩色电视 television
    E水平照度 horizontal illuminance
    E垂直照度 vertical illuminance
    Evmai 主摄像机方向垂直照度 vertical illuminance in the direction of main camera
    Evaux 辅摄像机方向垂直照度 vertical illuminance in the direction of auxiliary camera
    GR 眩光值 glare rating
    R一般显色指数 general colour rendering index
    STIPA 扩声系统语言传输指数 speech transmission index for public address system
    Tcp 相关色温 correlated colour temperature
    U1最小照度与最大照度之比 the ratio of minimum illuminance to maximum illuminance
    U2最小照度与平均照度之比 the ratio of minimum illuminance to average illuminance
    UGR 统一眩光值 unified glare rating

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体育建筑电气设计规范 JGJ 354-2014
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